Friday, November 18, 2011

speaking to the English Class

I has been a while since I spoke at the English classes of Prof. Paul Resnick.  I did enjoy talking about my time in Xian and what my experience of China was like.  Sometimes when I talk about China I get a little sad, because I really did like being there and being with the students and friends that I met.  This time my feelings were happy.  The feelings were happy because I really did like being there and being with the students and friends that I met.  I was so fortunate to have that opportunity and tried to share that with the students.  I don't think the students expected some one to come and talk to them wearing an old work uniform, wearing a large key ring, and having a maintenance radio in their back pocket.  When I told them they have many opportunities to do things at ICC, I meant it, because I was sent to China.  I talked about the food, the culture, the language, and the school system but I also told them that as a student they have so many opportunities if they just say,  "I would like to help or I would do that."  As I get older it does get easier to speak to a group.  What I did was the same assignment I gave my students, to prepare a talk for about 10 minutes on a student that is interesting to you.  Of course my Chinese students had never given a speech to any group on any subject.  It took me about a month of classes to get that bit of information communicated to me.  The school systems are so different.  I did enjoy talking about my hometown of Xian, China and will do it every chance I get.  Thanks, Prof. Resnick for asking me to talk to your students.  One less day that you have to prepare a lecture.

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