Friday, May 20, 2011

Duck head Hao Chi

This is for sure the best duck brain I have every eaten in my life.  We went up the street to have the Hun Tun Tang, or the Won Ton Soup.  I was asking what the other food was on the menu because I did want to eat the Duck Tongue.  I have seen it and hear it is very good.  One thing about China is if you ask about what a food is at a restaurant you may as well figure on eating it, because they are going to bring it to your table.
This is how you eat a duck head, or the Ya Tou.  It is actually quite good, or Hao Chi, but for two more yuan you can eat a leg quarter so you may as well get your moneys worth and have the leg quarter.
The top one is the Duck leg quarter, with tofu, an egg, bok choy and rice and for less that 2 dollars it is a great supper.  The one just under it is the chicken leg quarter and right below it is the Duck Head at 9 yuan. I am going back for the duck neck and the duck feet.  I have only three weeks to taste this type of food and I am going to enjoy this type of food every chance I get.
The reason we went here was to enjoy this simple won ton soup and a warm beer.  The weather here is cool and rainy so it seemed like soup weather to me.  Yesterday it was in the 90's and sunny.  Tomorrow it is going to rain so I will go to Zhang Yao's home on Sunday to make jiao zi and talk about food with her mother.
I don't know why you can't order this in Peoria?  Best looking duck head I have ever had.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone must have been happy, because the duck looks like it is smiling.
