Saturday, April 16, 2011

Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses

This place is huge and is worth the name of the 8th wonder of the world.  The army of soldiers was built 2000 years ago for Emperor YingZheng.  This is one of the sites to see when you are in Xian.  It is amazing to learn how much work was involved in making this all happen years ago.  The movie said it took 700,000 people to build this.  I have a gut feeling that half of the people did the work and the other half was there to force them to do the work.  Still it was very interesting to see.  Most of the Chinese people on the the tour with us had never been here before.  A lot of people come here to see this part of the Chinese culture.
People, people everywhere here today.  After we had eaten and left the restaurant the place was empty.  I was impressed with the place and the history  of what I saw today.

I only wish my Chinese was better so I could tell you more about this warrior and why he is so important.  After the we saw the Warriors and ate supper we went to the musical drama, "The Everlasting Regret,"based on a poem written by Bai Juyi, titled "Song of Eternal Sorrow."  This was the best visual piece of entertainment that I have ever seen.  It was in an outdoor theatre and had lasers, pyro, fountains, music, dance, and everything else you would expect to see at Disney or Las Vegas.  It is not really a musical drama but more of a modern visual ballet with must of the dancing done on a floor that has 1 to 2 inches of water on it.  The show is held on a lake and the dance floor rises out of the water.  It was very impressive and they used the mountains in the back ground as a screen, to be the night sky and the moon.  The show was around 40 US dollars and was more than worth it.  I would go tomorrow if I had the chance.  Seeing the warriors was seeing the history of China and the show tonight was seeing the future of China.  When they do things right here it is amazing what they can do.

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