Sunday, March 6, 2011

My breakfast in China

I could go to the cafeteria and eat breakfast but decided to just eat in my apartment.  I can enjoy some instant coffee, some fruit, instant oatmeal topped with yogurt.  The yogurt comes in a pouch and is quite good.  I usually get some type of bread product to eat.   I have some honey if I need a little sugar.  Eating at home is just easier and than leaving and coming back.  This picture is what I bought at the large grocery store about ten minutes walk from campus.  The stores are on two floors so instead of an escalator they have a longer incline moving walkway.  That way you can take your shopping cart up and down.  I was looking for the oatmeal and one of the clerks took one off the shelf and gave it to me.  They really try to help, especially if you make the effort.  I research my shopping items and write the characters.  So far I have been able to do OK.  Now I need to figure out how best to post this picture. I got the moon pies just for fun and now I need to find an RC Cola.

1 comment:

  1. Hey.Eric.I think you need to cook this kind of oatmeal.
    haha.i like that yogurt and Haoliyou.that red box.I like that soooooooooooooo much!!
