Monday, March 28, 2011

Seeing a student play the Gu Zheng

In my second class today, there was a GuZheng, a Chinese zither, a stringed instrument developed from the Gupin during the Tang and Song dynasties.  I was asking the students what it was and they told me which student plays it.  I asked her if she would play something.  She did agree to do so.  She got out her finger picks and taped them on her fingers and played for the class.  She was very good.  I was sitting there listening to this music and trying very hard not to tear up.  I am so lucky to be here and have something like this happen to me every day.  I told the class that I would look up information on the Internet and research more about this instrument, and we would talk about it on Saturday, when we have our make up class.  I also told them as teachers they and bring their interests in to the classroom and share them with the students and then tell the students to do more work outside of class so their students will learn more about the culture, the country, the people, that will mean they will learn more about the language.  After class I told Chen Shu Ping, my student, that I would never forget that she played for me and I thanked her.  If I had come to China on a tour bus trip I would have probably heard someone play the GuZheng, but it would not have been as special as this was.
Have you ever been riding in a bus and looked out the window only to see a truck load of eggs.  You know they are eggs because you can see them, brown eggs, stacked in pickup truck as high as they can get them.  They were in those 18 square eggs cartoon this that people put eggs in.  Oh look, a truck load of eggs.  Maybe Saturday I can find a longer computer cable so I can take the Netbook out on the balcony and show a part of my world to JoAnne next time I call.  I have rugby practice on Wednesday and tomorrow I try to make it to the post office and the health and fitness club here.  I have my list of important words to use and hope everything goes well.  Friday is the big day, hair cut day.
If anyone is interested you can google GuZheng and you should be able to listen to some of the music. I found some but my computer connection is very slow tonight.  I still have some homework to do.

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