Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thursday will end my second week of teaching

I will meet with the first class that I taught for the second time.  The first day was rough but I hope to do a better job this time.  I had another Chinese language class today and during the class I was watching what she did to see if I could use anything in my class.  I would like to be able to take my students to a class so they could see how the USA students struggle to learn Mandarin.  Maybe I will ask if a student group could come and film one of the classes and then we could show the video to my students.   The lady that taught the class today does not have the best English, certainly not as good as the teachers I had at ICC, but she knows how to communicate.  That is what my students need to do; is to learn how to be understood.  They can read and write quite well, they just have to learn how to use the black board, hand signals, and more important project confidence in themselves.  I am going to go over the assignment with this group, which is to teach me about Chinese food.  I think with this group I can do a little more on the presentation part and I hope I can also show them what problems the USA students have with Chinese.  I would hate to try and do this if I had not taken the four semesters of Chinese at ICC.  At least I have seen other people try to teach me and I have my own ideas about how people learn. 
We are going to start learning how to play touch rugby on Friday.  I have an advanced Chinese class on Friday but should be able to do a little rugby before class.  I do not want to miss this Chinese class because it is the one that will push me to learn more. 
I had an interesting supper with Tim Murphy, the lead professor from the College of Lake County.  When we order food we usually know what meat we are getting and if it is a soup, noodle, or rice dish.  But we never actually know what it is until they serve it.  He thought he was getting mushrooms and pork but he got a lot of hot peppers.  I had mushrooms and some other vegetable that I like but have never eaten  in the US.  After we had eaten about half our meals he said his food was just to hot, so we switched plates.  It is what you do here and no one seems to mind.

1 comment:

  1. Since I learned everything I know about rugby through the movie Invictus, I can't imagine how one would play "touch" rugby. lol
